Saturday, 10 January 2009

Birthday Gifts

These are some ickle things I put together for a friends Birthday and as I know she has received them I can blog them now!! Another spot of altering - it seems to be what I'm doing atm!! The little note book was a 10p book from Asda & clipboard as before!! Hope you like these, as I enjoyed making them. All comments appreciated & thanks for looking.( Click on the image for a clearer view.)


  1. Love your clip board - it's a brilliant idea. esp for all the reciepts that get stuffed at the bottom of my bag.. and you've made it look sooo pretty.. you have been so busy twinny !! see you have had spring clean around the blog too.. you R going to have to come and teach me how..xx

  2. Aw thanks Barbara - was that a major hint that you need a clipboard?? lol!! I'll see what I can do for you!
    Ann xx

  3. They all look fabulous Ann. Bet they were much appreciated by our friend Jennie! xx

  4. They're fab, Ann. Really love the clipboard you did. I have one lying around from months ago. Must get it altered.
    Hope you're well. xx

  5. I recived them, and ooh just love them . The clipboard is now on my office/workshop wall, and the notebpook in my handbag :)
    Thank you Ann, I just love them:)

  6. Fantastic Ann and I've spied your candle again!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate your feedback & look forward to your next visit!!

Ann :D